Thursday, July 9, 2015

Russische Konversations Grammatik zum Schul und Selbstunterricht, 1898

My next find is a Lehrerbücher (a study book or teachers book) from 1898 by Paul Fuchs. The book is intended for audience with German knowledge and can be used as a school book or for self learning the Russian language.  I picked the book from a thrift shop and in my opinion it was very much under priced.  I think it is a good collectible book at least for the audience with German and/or Russian knowledge. Due to low quantity of 19 century publications in Russian language (in comparison to English, French and German ) the interest in them and accordingly the price tags are usually quite high.       

Russische Konversations Grammatik zum Schul und Selbstunterricht, 1898

Russische Konversations Grammatik zum Schul und Selbstunterricht, 1898

Here is what we learn from the title page 
Title: Russische Konversations - Grammatik - zum Schul und Selbstunterricht. Methode Gaspen-Otto-Sauer

Autor:        Paul  Fuchs
Sprache/Language  :   Deutsch, Russisch      
Verlag/Puplishing House:       Julius Groos Verlag
Ort/Place:   Heidelberg
Auflage/Edition:     3. Auflage

Erschienen/Puplished :         1898

Here is one of the pages with Russian alphabet letters and their German pronunciation.     
Russische Konversations Grammatik zum Schul und Selbstunterricht, 1898

So fare I did not get chance to go through each page in detail but few topics I read was quite interesting. I think the book can very well serve its original purpose and be used to learn a new language. Well, with the condition that you can read the old Russian and German shifts. 
Good luck on your hunt for the books which deserve a second chance !   

Russische Konversations Grammatik zum Schul und Selbstunterricht, 1898

Russische Konversations Grammatik zum Schul und Selbstunterricht, 1898

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