My next find is a Lehrerbücher (a study book or teachers book) from 1898 by Paul Fuchs. The book is intended for audience with German knowledge and can be used as a school book or for self learning the Russian language. I picked the book from a thrift shop and in my opinion it was very much under priced. I think it is a good collectible book at least for the audience with German and/or Russian knowledge. Due to low quantity of 19 century publications in Russian language (in comparison to English, French and German ) the interest in them and accordingly the price tags are usually quite high.
Here is what we learn from the title page
Title: Russische
Konversations - Grammatik - zum Schul und Selbstunterricht. Methode
Autor: Paul Fuchs
Sprache/Language : Deutsch, Russisch
Verlag/Puplishing House: Julius Groos Verlag
Ort/Place: Heidelberg
Auflage/Edition: 3. Auflage
Erschienen/Puplished : 1898
Here is one of the pages with Russian alphabet letters and their German pronunciation.
So fare I did not get chance to go through each page in detail but few topics I read was quite interesting. I think the book can very well serve its original purpose and be used to learn a new language. Well, with the condition that you can read the old Russian and German shifts.
Good luck on your hunt for the books which deserve a second chance !
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